e24files container as a regular directory on the server

Cloud files are a repository that allows storing an almost unlimited number of different types of data on an internet disk and exchanging them between applications or web services.

Connecting the e24files service to your own server

To simulate the presence of a file system on an object interface, we will use FUSE and s3fs. Directories connected through FUSE look like regular file system devices, and their backend can be many services that are normally not accessible as file systems (such as ftp or ssh traversal). Such use gives us enormous flexibility and the ability to connect applications that will not even know that they are using objects and files in the cloud. Without any modifications, we can use such a directory, for example, for file backups, which were previously stored on additional matrix space or free disks. Of course, the performance of such use, due to communication with internet protocols, leaves something to be desired (in terms of the number of operations per second), but for data backup applications it is ideal.

We will perform the installation on Ubuntu GNU/Linux version 16.04 LTS, but nothing prevents us from using any distribution.

We download the latest version of s3fs

sudo apt-get install s3fs

Next, we create a configuration file

cat >$HOME/.aws/credentials

In the next step, we change the permissions of the configuration file

chmod 600 $HOME/.aws/credentials

We run s3fs using the s3fs command with parameters, the first used in the example bucket is the name of the container in the cloud file service, the second (here directory) is the local directory in which the remote resource will be visible, the additional option -o url="https://e24files.com" is necessary to indicate the so-called endpoint, additionally we allow other local users to access this data.

mkdir directory
s3fs bucket directory -o url="https://e24files.com" -o allow_other

Now that our directory folder contains files from the cloud file service. We can set a backup for this folder. To automatically mount the e24files resource on every system start, we must make the appropriate entry at the end of the /etc/fstab file (modifying requires root administrator account privileges).

s3fs#bucket /path/to/directory fuse allow_other,url=https://e24files.com 0 0

And install the fuse-utils package.

apt-get install fuse-utils

Specifically for the automatic mounting process, make sure that the s3fs configuration is in the /etc/passwd-s3fs file.